Premium Helium Birthday Bouquet
This bouquet is sure to be a show stopper! Your guest of honor will be delighted to receive a combination of 12” and 16” balloons (4 of each), character foil or theme balloons, number balloons, solid shape balloons personalization; all tied and secured with bubble weighted balloons.
This bouquet is sure to be a show stopper! Your guest of honor will be delighted to receive a combination of 12” and 16” balloons (4 of each), character foil or theme balloons, number balloons, solid shape balloons personalization; all tied and secured with bubble weighted balloons.
This bouquet is sure to be a show stopper! Your guest of honor will be delighted to receive a combination of 12” and 16” balloons (4 of each), character foil or theme balloons, number balloons, solid shape balloons personalization; all tied and secured with bubble weighted balloons.